TET was delighted to be chosen to execute a complete corporate website redesign, which included a fresh new look, an integrated website content management system, and streamlining the complete online tracking system for Skycom Express - a courier company based in Dubai.
The Skycom website allows its customers to track the status of their orders online by a number of means, such as tracking by reference number, tracking by SMS, tracking by email or account number. It also facilitates them to schedule a pickup for their deliveries. Dynamic features, such as the Domestic and International Cost Calculators, Google Maps to find an outlet add great value to a Skycom customer's experience.
View WebsiteWe take great pride in the quality of our work. We set a high standard for our work and don't compromise on quality at any cost.
We understand the pressure businesses face with limited budgets. Therefore, we offer the very best service to all our clients at a reasonable price.
We respect deadlines. We rigorously manage each project to make sure that it's up and running well within its deadline.